The Massacre of an Innocent

The troubling topicality of Poussin’s painting

Reine Okuliar


A few months ago — a lifetime ago — I went to the Musée Condé in Chantilly. From Raphael to Clouet, from Fra Angelico to Antoine Watteau, the museum is brimming with masterpieces. Yet, I was specifically going to see one of them: the Massacre des Innocents by Nicolas Poussin. 2020 has proven to be the year of the unexpected and indeed, I could not have expected for this painting to resonate so profoundly today. Painted around 1627 in Rome the painting has become bewilderingly current and it has been…



Reine Okuliar

London based art historian and freelance curator, with over 40 global exhibitions. Keep up with Reine on LinkedIn or